
This blog was started back in August of 2004. In the beginning, it was a place for me to write about my  various (and pointless) romantic and sexual escapades. Then came the relationships. And then came the break ups. You see, dating and blogging don’t really mix. At least, not if you’re blogging about things that matter. What I learned over the past five years is that most people can see through the smoke and mirrors that bloggers put up. Resistance was futile, and it became time to realize that I wasn’t as together and empowered as I thought.

That’s when I decided to turn this blog in to more of an advice column. There’s only so many times you can tell the same story before people start to get bored, irritated and annoyed and then disengage. The goals of this blog was always to get people involved and invested. So often we assign our own expectations and opinions to other people, then can’t understand why we’ve been disappointed. The point of this blog is to enlighten and educate people are how the opposite sex thinks so we can all avoid the confusion and frustration so common in relationships.

I stand by everything I say and do not use qualifiers. I don’t justify my own behavior and bad choices. I own them. In short, I dish it out and I can take it.

If I had to describe myself, I’d say I have the no-nonsense, straight forward style of Miranda Hobbs (Sex & The City) and the fiercely intuitive nature of Gregory House (House). It’s unique, sometimes abrupt, but always coming from a place of wanting people to have what they truly want. Be that true love or just a better understanding of the opposite sex.

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you’ll keep coming back and join the conversations.


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